Youth Creates: Join us on stage this summer! Theatre training program for teenagers. Applications open now.


– Patron Testimonials –

  • I asked my grandson if they did anything for Native American History month at his school. He told me no. I don’t know why I was surprised. So much has changed since I taught in the public school system. I’m happy I had an opportunity to expose him to a cultural experience; Second Annual First Voices Festival. A Celebration of Indigenous Cultures. This was his first Pow Wow! It’s our job to teach the children because the schools wont!

    Janice Patron - First Voices Festival 2023
  • KUDOS to 7 Stages and all of your beautiful partners and sponsors for delivering such an important event to "The Heart of the Turtle". Healing, restoration, and celebration are happening everywhere we look.

    John R. Naugle Patron - First Voices Festival 2023