
7 Stages Theatre
1105 Euclid Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30307

(box office, open for walk ups one hour prior to each performance and for phone sales during normal business hours)


For press inquiries, email Marketing Coordinator Devi Wells

Send us a message!


    7 Stages is proud to hire local professional talent for the majority of the roles in the work we produce each season. If you would like to be considered for future production-specific auditions, simply mail your headshot and resume to:

    7 Stages ATTN: Casting Director
    1105 Euclid Avenue NE
    Atlanta, GA 30307.

    While certain auditions are by appointment only, there are several production-specific open calls a year. Auditions are posted in our newsletter when available. They are also announced through FacebookTwitterInstagram, and here on our website.

    7 Stages also participates in Atlanta’s Unified Auditions when they are scheduled.


    We do not encourage unsolicited play/performance submissions.
    If you wish to submit 
    your play/performance, please send a summary and script sample no longer than five pages long.

    Before submitting, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the quality and style of work that we produce at 7 StagesWe also encourage you to meet members of our staff by participating in the Home Brew series or volunteering for one of our productions.

    Designers and performers are encouraged to email resumes, headshots, and portfolios. 

    Send all submissions to:

    Heidi S Howard, Artistic Director