Barton Field

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01/29/2020 7:30 pm - 02/01/2020 7:30 pm
7Stages Theatre
Address: 1105 Euclid Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307

By John Ammerman

The Refuge Theatre

  1. The Civil War has just ended and Clara Barton finds herself digging

the grave of an unknown soldier at Andersonville POW Prison in Georgia.

Commissioned to establish a national cemetery on the site, Barton relays

the atrocities of America’s devastating Civil War while also sharing the

personal struggles, humiliations, and triumphs of a fiercely independent woman

in the 19th century while suppressed under the shackles of

a male dominated society—and rising above the oppression with compassion,

duty, and perseverance to eventually become the founder of the American Red Cross.

Starring Kathleen McManus and directed by Elisa Lloyd Carlson.

7:30 pm

Tickets available HERE

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