Service Saturday – September 16, 2023 from 2 PM – 5 PM
Service Saturdays aim to help our community thrive by providing vital resources like food, clothing, books and personal protection equipment while bringing together local community-driven organizations under one roof. We partner with New Georgia Project and Life South Community Blood drive among a variety of other partners to offer health services, blood drives, voter registrations and more. Usually paired with our performance programs, artists find a welcoming platform to engage with our local community beyond the stage, oftentimes offering workshops, street performances and visual art. These events are always complimentary, and we hope they will continue to provide valuable resources to people of Atlanta.
September 16th is our next Service Saturday taking place during a performance residency with trailblazing transgender choreographer Sean Dorsey Dance from San Francisco. The Lost Art Of Dreaming invites us to reconnect with longing, embrace expansive imagination, connect with joy and pleasure, and propel ourselves toward loving Futures. Performances will be on our mainstage Friday the 15th at 8pm, Saturday the 16th at 8pm and Sunday the 17th at 4pm. The dancers will kick the day off by offering an all-levels, super friendly workshop from 1-2:30pm! For more info about the residency please visit https://www.7stages.org/shows/the-lost-art-of-dreaming-2023/
COMPLIMENTARY EVENT AT 7 STAGES- No registration required!