In her first scripted Home Brew, Theresa Davis took the stage with her visceral words while embracing storytelling in a one-woman manifesto of what it means to be black, human, female, mother in America. Now with director Dawn Axam, and collaborators Destiny Renee, daughter Tia and son Zion, we invite you to enter her world via this original Film – offering a sanctuary of bars and stages, places where honest spirits haunt and share, where muses make the world make sense and assure her that she is walking in her purpose visible to all who choose to see.
Intertwined with movement, sound score, characters and poetry from her collection Drowned: A Mermaid’s Manifesto, with Sibling Rivalry Press, Davis makes it clear that these issues are not all in her head, and that NO, you cannot drown a mermaid. Read for the first time in 2017, in this church of prose and poetry, we find things have not changed and it’s not in our heads.