APRIL 8 – 11, 2021

Live virtual film premiere with talkbacks and “watch on your own” option.

What are You? is an unflinching exploration of what it means to be mixed-race in America. The project’s lead creator and performer Nicolette Emanuelle, raised with roots in the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina, was often confronted with this relentless question. As she started to interview other mixed-race individuals, Nicolette discovered striking and moving commonalities. This original, perspective-shifting film combines movement, original music, and a multitude of personal testimonies to highlight the beauty and expose the struggles of multi-racial people while honoring their resilience.

“If one person stands up and says they’ve experienced discrimination, or cruelty at the hands of society, it’s easy for people to roll their eyes and gloss over it. If a group of people stand up and use their voice in unison it’s much harder to ignore.”

– Nicolette Emanuelle




Creator/Performer/Composer/Interviewer/Interviewee – Nicolette Emanuelle

Performer/Interviewee – Jaylynn Amya Haywood

Performer/Interviewee – Meredith Gordon

Performer/Interviewee – Arthur McDonald

Circus Performer – Lucy Eden

Circus Performer – Jackie Douglas

Circus Performer – AnnMarie Spexet

White By Proxy – Josh Coleman

Interviewee – Nicole Marie Spisak

Interviewee – Kai Addae

Interviewee – Vivian Selles

Stage Manager/Interviewee – Alexis “Lexi” McKay

Director of Photography/Camera A Op – Tia Davis

Camera B Op – Barrett Doyle 

Drone Camera Op – Charles Huggins

Interviewer – Jesse Smith

Production Assistant – Tyra Watkins

Production Assistant – Tessa Brooks

Production Assistant – Kayla Fallick

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